Own your day. Own your week. Own your job.

Startdeliver lets you finally take control of your customer portfolio. Prioritise work based on real customer data and never get overloaded again.  

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Remove your reasons to panic as a CSM:

Know what to do:

Avoid overwhelm by always knowing the next best action. Let the data think for you. 

Know what you did:

Connect the dots between actions and results, and learn where to put your effort to make the most impact. 

Know if it was your fault:

Start collecting data on churn reasons, and learn that churn is not always the CSMs fault.


First things first.

  • Finally get control of your day.
  • Prioritise customers based on health, journey stage, or other events.
  • Time management backed by data.
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No more tab switching

  • Analyse all customer data in one place.
  • Report success to management.
  • Align Sales, CS, and Support once and for all.
Startdeliver integrations


Share accountability with customers.

  • Manage projects internally and externally on the same page
  • Hold customers responsible for their own success by tracking assigned tasks.
  • Shared dashboards for a common understanding of progress.
Discover Shared Workspaces
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Start predicting what customers will do.

  • True Customer Health is set up around metrics that matter.
  • Usage, Feedback and Support scores combined to get the best overview.
  • Let data tell you what your next best move is.
Explore Customer Health
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Less blame. More praise.

  • Prove to management why Customer Success matters.
  • Look at churn objectively without blaming.
  • Track how you develop in your role.
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Ready to elevate Customer Success?